Wednesday, 27 June 2018

ICG Journal club joins the Optical Sciences Colloquia in a new Blog!

Hi everybody!

Starting from next week the Imaging Concepts Group, Optics, Extreme Light and the Quantum Theory Group will begin a joint series of  group talks: U.o.G. Optical Sciences Colloquia (which will be held on Thursday every week, at least to start with). The ICG Journal Club will therefore become the Optics Journal Club, and will be organised as part of this new series of talks: every group will be in charge of the organisation of the talks for two weeks in a row, with the option of choosing to do a Journal Club instead of giving talks on their work.

This means that I will no longer be in charge of organising the Journal Club, but I still feel like I'm its mum, so I'll make sure it will be fine and take place at least ~once a month. Also, I'll start another blog, which we will update every week with details for the next event (''we'' for now is: Pavi, Guillem and I for the ICG, Ashley for Extreme Light, Frances for the Quantum Theory Group and Kyle for Optics).

Link for the new blog:

Now that I think of it, I feel a bit sad, like something is ending :(  But hey, I'm also very excited about the new joint series of talks, I think it will be great!

Hoping you'll follow us on the new blog,
Ciao e a presto,