Wednesday, 27 June 2018

ICG Journal club joins the Optical Sciences Colloquia in a new Blog!

Hi everybody!

Starting from next week the Imaging Concepts Group, Optics, Extreme Light and the Quantum Theory Group will begin a joint series of  group talks: U.o.G. Optical Sciences Colloquia (which will be held on Thursday every week, at least to start with). The ICG Journal Club will therefore become the Optics Journal Club, and will be organised as part of this new series of talks: every group will be in charge of the organisation of the talks for two weeks in a row, with the option of choosing to do a Journal Club instead of giving talks on their work.

This means that I will no longer be in charge of organising the Journal Club, but I still feel like I'm its mum, so I'll make sure it will be fine and take place at least ~once a month. Also, I'll start another blog, which we will update every week with details for the next event (''we'' for now is: Pavi, Guillem and I for the ICG, Ashley for Extreme Light, Frances for the Quantum Theory Group and Kyle for Optics).

Link for the new blog:

Now that I think of it, I feel a bit sad, like something is ending :(  But hey, I'm also very excited about the new joint series of talks, I think it will be great!

Hoping you'll follow us on the new blog,
Ciao e a presto,

Thursday, 31 May 2018

June Journal Club

Where & When: Friday 1st June 2018, 1pm-2pm, Room 323, Kelvin Building, U.o.G.;

Presenter: Gabriella Musarra and Lucrezia Cester(Extreme Light Group);

Velten, Andreas, et al. "Recovering three-dimensional shape around a corner using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging." Nature communications 3 (2012): 745.

Hi all again!

Journal Club tomorrow, with Gabriella from the Extreme Light and 3D imaging around corners!

Same room as last week,
Hope to see you there,
goodbye May,

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Where & When: Friday 25th May 2018, 1pm-2pm, Room 323, Kelvin Building, U.o.G.;

Presenter: Ashley Lyons(Extreme Light Group);

Clerici, Matteo et al. “Observation of Image Pair Creation and Annihilation from Superluminal Scattering Sources.” Science Advances 2.4 (2016): e1501691. PMC. Web. 24 May 2018.

Hi all!

Journal Club tomorrow, with Ashley from the Extreme Light Group who will present one of their papers from a couple of years ago, to start giving us all a better idea of what kind of things their group works on.

We've never had  Journal Club in room 323 before, but I booked it from 12:30 to 14:30, so I'll go a bit before 13 to check it out and see if we can bring food there or not, and if not we can all go back to the ICG office for cakes & coffee afterwards. 

Hope to see you there,
Viva maggio e il sole,

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Titles and links from last week

I'm sorry Tomas, I didn't have a picture of you presenting! Fortunately though I'm so good at editing photos one wouldn't guess this isn't real, right?😂😅

Anyway, here are titles and links of the papers we discussed last week:

Presented by Tomas: Jiang, Shaowei, et al. "Solving Fourier ptychographic imaging problems via neural network modeling and TensorFlow." arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.03434 (2018).

Presented by Ross: Poplin, Ryan, et al. "Prediction of cardiovascular risk factors from retinal fundus photographs via deep learning." Nature Biomedical Engineering 2.3 (2018): 158.;

Coming soon: dates and details for the next event!



Thursday, 10 May 2018

Neural Networks in Imaging

Where & When: Friday 11th May 2018, 12:30-13:30, Room 255 (reading room), Kelvin Building, U.o.G.;

Presenter: Tomas and Ross;

Topic: Neural Networks in Imaging

Hi all!

Journal Club tomorrow, with Tomas & Ross talking about Neural Networks, what they are and how they can be used to improve image quality! 

Hope to see you there,
Viva la primavera,

Monday, 5 March 2018

Journal Club this Thursday (8th March)

At the end the Uni was closed on Friday too, so we postponed the Journal Club to this week, Thursday! 

New Where & When: Thursday 8th March 2018, 12-13 pm, Room 255 (reading room), Kelvin Building, U.o.G.;

For presenter and article see previous post :)


Thursday, 1 March 2018

March Journal Club

Where & When: Friday 2nd March 2018, 12-13 pm, Room 255 (reading room), Kelvin Building, U.o.G.;

Presenter: Laura;

Article: Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel, Samuel T. Thurman, and James R. Fienup. "Efficient subpixel image registration algorithms." Optics letters 33.2 (2008): 156-158; 

Fienup, J. R., and A. M. Kowalczyk. "Phase retrieval for a complex-valued object by using a low-resolution image." JOSA A 7.3 (1990): 450-458; 

Hi all!

Journal Club tomorrow (unless building officially closed), with Laura and some exciting registration algorithms!
Looking forward to checking if everybody has survived the snow storm and to voting for the best snow (mis)adventure.
Hope to see you there,
Viva la neve,

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Thursday Journal Club

Where & When: Thursday 8th February 2018, 12-13 pm, Room 255 (reading room), Kelvin Building, U.o.G.;

Presenter: Ermes;

Article: M. Genovese, "Real applications of quantum imaging," J. Opt. 18, 073002 (2016).

Hi everyone,
after the long Christmas-January break, here comes the first Journal Club of 2018, this time on a Thursday, let's see how we like it :)
As usual, feel free to bring lunch and/or coffee with you and I'll make sure there will be some sort of sweet snack for everybody.
See you there,
Ciao ciao,